Saturday, June 02, 2007

why am i here again?


Each day here presents itself with its own problems and tendencies; people fail in work and relationships; bonds are formed and perceptions, good and ill, mesh so the the lines become more distinct as to who here is wanted and who is wanting. Backbiting, disingenuous, melodramatic, fallible; people. I am no longer amazed at the dysfunction and social atrophy of our little community, only slightly amused at the juxtaposition of intention and absurdity. Jeremiah is heart-broken, Solomon speaks of vanity, Sartre of nothingness, while J- and B- can only console each other for their senseless pains. They sympathize with each other and discuss the useless qualities of sympathy; one must be strong and stay positive. More persons arrive and tenitive plans are laid for the next season, so much better than this, our current blunder, but no one really knows, one can only romanticize this occupation so much; more talk concerning the nobility of optimism and avoiding the 'self perpetuating web of depression and feeling sorry for ones self.' No, that's not it, one must stare absurdity in the face, name it, and then move on, feel your pain and realize that everyone feels the same way. Smiles and weary souls breed retarded children, we are going to condescend, mess-up, miss the point and do it all over again, one might as well be honest with themself. This is certainly a comedy of errors and I am without a fellow spectator; I too have become a player. I hate writing about work, about how it goes and how that affects me, but my mind is so stultified by the lack of intellectual breath, like all this smoke in my lungs I am consumed with too many social issues that reek of humanity and infect my spirit, I feel rot inside. It would be a lie, however, to say that I have not learned anything from my peers, for certainly I have, I suppose something about them, about us, will appear in a poorly constructed short story I will write in the abstract future, but I am too weary right now. I think I just need someone else to make myself feel better; another person I can project myself onto in order to feel my own reflection and reassure myself of my own existence...


Its better to think said...

Hey Ty,

So, work is going that well huh? Sounds like it didn't take long for things to implode. I know how much you love drama.

Well, even though we can't hang out, for what it's worth, I hope that our conversations can provide you with an intellectual breath and an escape.

E said...

isn't feeling affirming of ones existance? even annoyances is a feeg to let you know ((in the words of a fanatic swim coach)) that YOU ARE ALIVE!? I think the only feeling that is dangerous for non existance is indifference because indifference is no feeling at all.

slightlee said...

work is fine, we're just hanging out. those thoughts were written last year and posted on a manic day. feeling is self-affirming, indifference can sometimes be due to overstimulation; once your emotions calm you feel unaffected because you're used to being overly stimulated. overstimulation or the magnification of simple emotions, can make the more prosaic emotive events invisable, or perhaps it is just a deffense mechanism. i've had periods of 'indifference' which were, in broader perspective, periods of self-pitty, depression, confussion or some other emotional disposition i masked as unfeeling.

E said...

fair enough.

E said...

oh and.... did you ever get around to a reading list of the existentialist/marxist sort? if not that's alright.

slightlee said...

ethics of ambiguity-simone de beauvoir
nausea- jean paul sartre
the bell jar- sylvia plath
franny and zooey- j d salinger
waiting for godot- samuel beckett

capitalism and modern social thought- anthony giddens
no logo- naomi kline
sign and simulacra- jean baudrillard
noam chomsky
louis althusser
michael bakunin

civlization and its discontents- freud
siddhartha- hermann hesse
the essence of christianity- ludwig feuerbach
holy the firm- annie dillard
the way of the pilgrim

E said...

*lurking* tres bien, merci beaucoup beaucoup.... i'm sure i'll attempt to eat some of those books for breakfast, lunch, and dinner then digest them then regurgitate a few ideas then piss away the rest because i wont have the time for self discovery anymore. story of anyones life at any given point eh? talk to you... whenever